Homemade Pizza On The Grill
Cook Temp: 550+ degrees
Cook Time: Roughly 6 minutes
This is how I do my homemade pizza on the grill. I have a Big Green Egg, but this will work on any comodo type grill.
My pizza recipe goes like this.
If you don’t end up using the dough immediately – you can put it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. If you do put it in the fridge – make sure to take the pizza dough out of the refrigerator a good hour before you want to cook to bring it to room temperature.
When you are ready to start grilling – fire up your grill about 45 min before you want to cook your homemade pizza. You want to get your grill to around 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
You will also be cooking this with your place setter in the grill – so make sure you have that. You do not want to cook on direct heat.
Place your pizza stone onto your place setter.
You do not want the pizza stone directly on the place setter. They do sell spacers to let air between the place setter and your pizza stone. I just take aluminum foil and bunch it into a ball. Works just as well.
Notice the space between the plate setter.
While the grill is heating – Take your Pizza peel and dust it with cornmeal or flour.
Start stretching the dough. You can start by placing the dough on the Peel and pushing and working it a bit.
Once you get it flat – you can start by rotating the dough and stretching it out. You’ll want to make it a little bigger than the size you want because it will shrink a bit once you place it down.
After you get the pizza dough laid out – grab a fork and put some holes in the dough to help remove any air bubbles that maybe in there.
Next up – grab your pizza sauce, cheese and toppings to put on the pizza.
Put the sauce on the pizza, then sprinkle your cheese (or no cheese – if you’re like me) and put any topics you like on there.
Then put your pizza on your grill.
Leave it cook for roughly 6-8 minutes. I normally open and check the crust around 6 minutes and leave it in for a few more if the crust is not cooked completely.
Insert video from when it’s cooking
Once it’s ready – pull that puppy off the grill and get ready for some good eating!
Another pic of a Pepperoni Pizza on the Egg.
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